Saturday, March 13, 2010

February 2010 Workout Sumary


Run = 120 miles (vs. 75 miles last month). I practically married my treadmills during this snowy month.

Best treadmill runs
30 minutes / 4.3 miles
60 minutes / 8.3 miles
70 minutes / 9.8 miles
90 minutes / 12.48 miles
100 minutes / 13.48 miles

Swim = approximately 14 miles (vs. 25 miles last month). Twice a week; typically 3000 yards per practice.

Weighlifting = increased to 4 times a week but each workout was shorter.

It was another great month. I feel like I'm in the best running shape of my life.

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Sunday, March 07, 2010

Confessions of a Lane 5 Swimmer

Swim for Life Again
Originally uploaded by reflexblue

I have mostly swam in Lane 4 for the past several months. I'm not sure if that's because I'm getting faster or the Fins is getting slower. At first I felt out of breath, and I had to sit out a few 50's. Now I'm beginning to feel comfortable. I realized that I belonged in Lane 4 when I led during a 800 stroke set, and continued to lead during the next set, which was 4 x 100 pull. I still struggled with bad forms, but I have found a way to use my upper body strength to power my way through water. It's probably not ideal, but I work with what I have.

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