Friday, September 05, 2008

Cape Cod

Cape Cod
I've surprised myself for having already logged about 40 miles running in Provincetown this week. I've ran just about every day since Saturday: twice with my housemates, and the rest just by myself. I completed my longest and most magical run this morning/ I left the house around 7 am while everyone was still sleeping. I ran toward the Cape Cod National Seashore, got on the trail, and ran to the Visitor's center. On the way back, the sun was up and I was burning up. I stripped down to my underwear and jumped in the ocean to cool off. That was something I couldn't do in Philadelphia.

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Blogger Doghigh said...

Such a beautiful run. I've spent many years (grew up in Massachusetts) in that area and that is one of the most peaceful places to run, walk or bicycle.

10:49 AM  

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