Sunday, August 19, 2007

Gays v. Marines

Gays v. Marines
All across America, Marines set up recruiting stations were teenagers are likely to visit. These stations often involve a pull up bar and incentives such as key chains or t-shirts for guys who can do a few pull-ups, or hold up a few minutes for females.
Well, yesterday the Martine boys were out to recruit at Kelly Drive near the start of the Frontrunners Philadelphia, a gay and lesbian running group. I don't know whether it was the irony that the Marines weren't recruiting gays or gays couldn't resist getting free Marines t-shirts, Frontrunners members started to line up for the pull-up challenge.
One by one, each of us did at least 10 pull-ups to win a t-shirt. One by one, we refused to add our names to their contact list by saying "Sorry, boys. I'm gay!"

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