Sunday, March 20, 2005

Will someone give this nice guy a date?

Browsing the profiles is great free entertainment. I'd see mostly crazy, rauchy, or lame profiles. Rarely do I come across a well-written, articulate profile. Here's one:
"OK . . . well . . . I've come to this point in my life where the day to day stress of the world has started to take a back seat to the fact that I want to be happy. I'm slowly starting to see things fall into place as I near the 30 year mark. One of those things, is that finding somebody to grow with. I've found some great people along the way. I've found some not so great people along the way. No judgements on anybody. But, you get to a point when you know there's a fit, and when you can just tell that it's not. I'm on here because, like everyone else, we hope we'll find something that we don't already have. . . whatever that is. . ."
This is the cutest profile I've read this year. Will someone give this nice guy a date?


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