Saturday, March 19, 2005

The Classified Ad Incident

It's been almost seven years since the "classified ad" incident that almost ruined The Triangle.

PENNSYLVANIA -- Staffers of the student newspaper at Drexel University in Philadelphia discovered copies of their newspaper, The Triangle, in a shredded heap piled five feet high outside the newsroom door.

The incident was in response to a controversial classified advertisement published in The Triangle on September 19. [1997]

The classified promoted the sale of "Children, 7 Africans, 14 Cubans and 8 Hispanics...Excellent condition, Love to work. Talented blow-job artists. Need to make room for winter time midgets' sale. Buy or lease. No credit? No Problem. Factory Authorized Rebates Leasing Available..."

The Triangle Editor Anh Dang offered his apologies on behalf of the newspaper in an editorial in the September 26 edition of the newspaper. In the article, he emphasized that the ad was overlooked in the editorial process and printed by mistake. He took responsibility but also pointed out the responsibility of those who placed the advertisement.

"Most of our classified advertisements are submitted by members of the Drexel community; as a service to Drexel we offer free advertising to Drexel students, faculty and staff. It is important that those who submit ads understand the significance of having their words published in a newspaper which is read by 7,000 people," Dang said in his article.

The newspaper does not know who placed the ad and has reported no further incidents since the classified advertisement issue was settled.


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